Allah's Mercy

Spoken Word

Written by Emam

In Allah's mercy all will find light
Never despair cause he is listening, even in the darkest of night
Don't distress and don't lose sight,
for he will make your days infinitely bright
His love is like the ocean, which is eternally deep
Without a doubt he will forgive us,
this is a promise he will always keep
From the river to the sea
Undoubtedly, you'll find his mercy
His mercy knows no bound
He will pick you up, no matter how many times you drowned
He is ar-rahman and ar-raheem
Whenever you're down, he is there, to boost your self-esteem
He is al-ghafoor and al-wadood
He forgives and loves and to his servant he is always good
With open arms, a mother is there to comfort,
A priceless blessing of incredible worth
The unconditional love of a mother has a beautiful shine
Her love for her child so great, a love that is so sublime
But know this, Allah's love for you surpasses hers by seventy times
Allah loves his servant no matter how many times he crossed the line
His love is so infinite and so divine
No sin too great, no soul too far astray,
For Allah's mercy guides us all on the correct way
The greatness of his mercy is clear to see
A gift given to all, which will make you feel free
No one can comprehend the extent of his love,
A gift given from him, sent from above
In the darkest hours, his mercy is the guide
When thinking about it, our hearts cried
He watches over us with a kind, guiding hand
Forgiving our misdeeds and helping us to understand
No sin too big, no burden too great
It's not the sinners, but the sins that he hates
In his compassion and mercy, we find our way and fate
He hears our heartfelt prayers, our tears and pleas
Granting us hope, bringing us to our knees
No sin too deep, no burden that can't be eased
In his compassion, all worries are appeased
With boundless love, his forgiveness always embrace,
A chance to start again, to seek his grace
When the storms of this life appear,
Have faith, for Allah's love is always near
In trials and tribulations, stand faithful and strong
For Allah's mercy and compassion are never wrong
No matter how heavy the burdens you bear,
His mercy and kindness will always be there
When the world feels heavy, and full of stains,
Remember, Allah's mercy can heal every pain
So, do not despair, for his mercy is vast,
A love that will forever last
In every corner, in every prayer, you'll find,
Allah's mercy, so warm, gentle and kind
So now you see that Allah's mercy reaches every soul
Comforting it, making it feel whole
So let us turn to him, with hearts sincere and humble
In his mercy and forgiveness, we find comfort when we stumble
In submission to Allah, the soul shall taste peace
His infinite mercy will never cease
For Allah's grace is vast, his love complete
In his boundless mercy our souls will find tranquility and retreat